Do You Know Where to Find Replacement Coach Glass?

If you have ever had to replace glass in your hearse or limousine, you likely learned quickly how difficult specialty automotive glass can be to find. The factory dealership probably educated you that they do not carry the specialty glass found in these coaches, leaving you scratching your head and wondering where to turn next.  That is because these vehicles are special made by conversion coach builders.  Being that there are different conversion builders, there is no “standard” replacement part for a vehicle that has been modified into a specialty custom vehicle. Each builder also produces various models with their own specific touch. This may seem a bit overwhelming when you are trying to source the correct replacement and get your vehicle back in commission again.

This is where we can help.  Infinite Innovations has been the leading supplier of specialty windshields, side glass and automotive trim for the limousine, funeral car and specialty vehicle industry since 1987. We are the ONLY facility for a large percentage of these specialty parts in the world.

Infinite works in conjunction, authorized by Ford and GM as a Central stocking warehouse for each entity. This means Infinite is set up with a special direct purchasing authorization for parts to supply the OEM convertors who build these chassis. This allows Infinite to ship our customers the same parts that car was built with at competitive prices.

If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of needing to replace glass in your coach, save time and money and reach out to us.  Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is happy to help get you back on the road!

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